The accelerationist paradigm reveals the hidden potential of technology. Virtual being of technology has a range of opportunities for the restructuring of social actors. The ways in which technologies are integrated into the context of public relations, as well as their role in the establishment of regimes of the administration of power, including biopolitical power, are problematic. Possessing a level of virtual, technologies redistribute forces, the uniqueness of the effects of which is in a problematic position. The other question, from the point of view of epistemological coordinates, is of the multiplicity of technology itself and the fixity of its materiality. The emphasis on accelerationist optics and new ontologies has the goal of clarifying the social feature of technology to produce an ontological policy that allows it to determine the essential characteristics of social assemblages. The main conclusions include the identification of the decisive meaning of the use of technology in the expectation horizon of political projects. Post-capitalist intentionality, being an actual reality of human interaction, seeks to maximize synthetic freedom, which includes the degree of inclusion and participatory social assemblages. This study was based on the texts of A. Greenfield, P. Mason, N. Srnicek, A. Mol, D. Law, M. Callon, B. Latour, M. Foucault, L. Bryant, G. Harman, M. Delandа.
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