The article deals with epistemological, aesthetic and communicative aspects of time. The metalanguage of the study is the system of artistic communication. Understanding time as duration, the author uses A. Bergson’s theory of duration which has become relevant in the context of post-non-classical trends in the development of science.
This study is based on a phenomenological analysis of the artistic communication of the twentieth century (avant-garde painting, media art, modern music, photography), and takes into account the concepts of time of G. Deleuze, multiple temporalism of I. Wallerstein and F. Braudel, ideas of E. Husserl and M. Heidegger.
The study showed that in the conditions of the information society, the duration of social interactions changes, diachrony at the communication maximum is compressed into synchrony. Art objects, in which the reception of culture is carried out, display individual and social time, and also convey qualitative transitions and temporal layers through the procedures of duration compression and stretching.
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