The Role of Emotional Attachment in the Impact of Generation Z's Trust in Digital Influencers on Unplanned Purchase Behavior


Digital Influencer Digital Follower Generation Z Social Media Emotional Attachment Unplanned Purchase Behavior Impulse Buying Influencer Marketing Consumers Trust

How to Cite

Ateş, A., Sunar, H., & Erdem, B. (2024). The Role of Emotional Attachment in the Impact of Generation Z’s Trust in Digital Influencers on Unplanned Purchase Behavior. Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies, 6(4), 350-373.


By 2024, the global Internet user base is expected to reach 5.5 billion, with 94% actively engaging on social media platforms. Marketing managers increasingly employ strategies involving key opinion leaders to connect with Generation Z, a demographic known for its digital fluency and reliance on social networks. This study utilizes a qualitative approach to investigate how emotional attachment impacts Generation Z consumers’ trust in social media figures and its effect on impulsive buying behavior. It contributes to the body of knowledge on digital marketing by identifying factors that enhance the effectiveness of social media personalities in reaching and persuading Generation Z audiences.

The findings provide actionable insights for content creators aiming to expand their following and for businesses seeking to strengthen their credibility and drive consumer purchasing decisions through collaboration with digital creators. The results reveal that emotional attachment to online personalities is a crucial driver of trust among Generation Z, significantly affecting their unplanned purchasing habits. Additionally, emotional connection acts as a catalyst, amplifying the impact of trust on spontaneous buying tendencies.

Although trust in social media figures has a notable effect on unplanned purchasing, the relatively weak correlation underscores the need for further exploration of additional factors influencing Generation Z’s decision-making processes.


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** – A social network owned by “Meta”, which is recognized as extremist in Russia

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