The crisis of representativeness is a feature of the 19th century and at the same time a symptom of socio-cultural and political-economic structure. Public consciousness - the technological situation, new speeds, new masses, new opportunities for interaction. The interactivity crisis is a meta of computer games of the first two decades of the 21st century and at the same time symptomatic situations inside the media. If they suggest mimicry - that is, on Wednesday, i.e. a set of instrumental and communicative skills, uniform psycho-body techniques that are in the process of universal appropriation gravitate toward the standard. The information environment in this case is more likely to impede communication, because they do not have Other — non-distributive, unexposed, some evidence of the presence of untranslatable in meaning. Computer games respond to this situation with the phenomenon of “sublime gaming experience,” when gaming situations lead to a contradiction with the use of familiar psycho-body techniques - i.e. a game in the player’s body, the princess of his psychedelic practices for glitch, from which an epistemic action is born - an awareness of what is being done through the action itself. In the conditions of collective distribution of experience in the field of developing new types of connections and interactions, new ways of developing human capital are emerging.
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