The Bauhaus design code might be called the quintessentially industrial-modern diagram. Its coded pattern figures the relationship between the abstraction of machinic processes and that of mediaproduction under contemporary interface culture. The Bauhaus school provided the possibilities for creating an aesthetic-technical production orientation that recontextualizes technology as skilled practice, which sought to restore the old unity of craft, technical and artistic production lost through industrialisation. Nowdays there is a necessity to reconsider the concepts of the Bauhaus that realigned in new technologies and media inherent in the interfaces and game design, to work out new analytical approaches to transforming mediareality, where the idea of new design forms and codes is gaining importance. The paper aims to explore the influence of the principles of the Bauhaus movement on the interface design of both game and non-game projects. Among the examples were examined some computer games inspired directly by the work of the Bauhaus representatives, as well as projects that are influenced by a leading school of minimalism only indirectly. The study of the stylistics of game interfaces as part of the overall process of transforming design approaches can be a promising direction and can develop into a serious detailed study of the design of graphic interfaces inspired by the Bauhaus aesthetics.
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