In this article it is reasoned that e-teens have different characteristics, attitudes, motivations and needs regarding new media use and appropriation. Consequently, teenagers have to be studied in a different context than any other group. We also argue that theories and models regarding uses, gratifications and appropriation of new media technologies are generalized and therefore cannot aptly be applied to the study of e-teens. Grounded in concepts from Uses and Gratifications, Model of Technology Acceptance, Technology Appropriation theories and a critical study of the developmental needs of e-teens, this study proposes a conceptual model that explains how e-teens use and appropriate new media technologies- the E-teen Model. Further, to test the model, the quantitative approach was used to select 300 teens from age 13 to 19 in senior high schools in the Greater Accra region of Ghana to answer questions in relation to the predictions in the E-teen Model. The results of the study show that educational, sociability and social inclusion, respectively, were the most popular gratifications sought and obtained by e-teens, s predicted in the model. The Correlation and Mann- Whitney U tests applied confirmed all three hypotheses formulated in the model. To provide support and substance to the e-teen model, other researchers are encouraged to test and extend it where necessary.
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