The article deals with an issue of the widespread distribution of anecdotes about the COVID-19 pandemic in Russia and demonstrates the relevance and necessity of theoretical understanding of this phenomenon. The importance of the research problem is due to the need of recreating the models of situation perception which are reflected in the texts as well as tracing public reaction to the current events and ideological attitudes. The research aim is to identify the peculiarities of the problematics and poetics of the anecdotes about coronavirus infection. The analysis of the regularities in functioning of humorous miniatures shows that a number of genre-forming features of an anecdote are partially restored due to digital technologies. The study reveals that witticisms adapt to the changed communication conditions. Under the conditions of a declared emergency, the electronic method of information transmission sometimes becomes the only possible option. The problematic of anecdotes relevant during the period of 2020 and 2021 indicates that collective consciousness is sensitive to manifestations of the epidemic process. The article lists and characterizes the main thematic groups of anecdotes, their leading motifs and images. Obsessions with eroticism as well as the focus on violation of official taboos are noted. The study found that the actualization of the idea of national identity is an effective way of getting positive emotions. The findings include the figures of speech and expressive means that form the automatism of perception and its unexpected destruction in the final formulas. The article concludes by identifying the literary device of anthropomorphization of the coronavirus image as well as the key functions of the "COVID-19" anecdotes, including communicative, compensatory, psychotherapeutic and harmonizing functions.
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