This article highlights the view of conceptual advertising as a process of Resacralization of Spiritual Practices (RSP). To analyze the empirical material, the authors propose using a Hierarchical Metamodel of Communication.
In the context of the growth of intangible production, both the advertised product and the advertising product itself are undergoing transformation. To study the patterns of dissemination of ideas (non-material products of culture) based on a Hierarchical Metamodel of Communication, RSP is considered as a Method of Conceptual Advertising (MCA). The authors illustrate this through the values and principles of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (ROC), introducing the concept of Orthodox Resacralization of Spiritual Practices (ORSP). The paper analyzes a small amount of empirical material, — the minimum necessary to demonstrate the validity of the proposed theoretical model. The author’s interdisciplinary approach is based on subordinating qualitative methods of the sociology of culture and analytical and semiotic methods to general scientific methods of comparison and typology. As a result, the article reveals the prospects for methodological enrichment of the theory of advertising and PR, as well as the pragmatic metamodel of communication of the relational theory of communication.
The authors propose uniting the efforts of theorists and practitioners of advertising and PR, experts in the fields of social and intercultural communication, as well as theologians and researchers of religions, to analyze the applicability of the proposed theoretical model in various cultural locations.
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