In the modern times of the fourth industrial revolution, digital technologies have spread throughout all spheres of life. In the context of rapid technological changes, it is necessary to maintain social sustainability, implying a balance between the development of economic, environmental and social – including educational – spheres. Theoretical analysis of WoS scientific papers published within the period from 2017 to 2021 has identified specific features of the dependence of sustainable development on the digital transformation of education. Analysis of these features in relation to Astrakhan State University allowed to identify areas of digitalization in education that are being actively developed (training and retraining of HR for the digital economy, improving digital literacy of the population, developing competencies that are professionally relevant for the digital economy) and areas of activities that require effort mobilization (upgrading educational technologies, methods, content and learning outcomes, developing a digital learning environment, increasing the digital and ethical competence of teachers, stimulating environmental education). The results obtained are of applied relevance for the training of highly skilled professionals capable of addressing professional tasks with the use of modern digital tools, both for sustainable development of Astrakhan Region and other Caspian bordering regions of Russia, as well as the Caspian countries.
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