Traditional Media at the Beginning of the Unknown


Traditional Media Information Seeking Behaviour Uncertainty Health Uncertainty Uncertainty Management COVID-19 Pandemic

How to Cite

Narin, A., Temel Eğinli, A., & Deviren, C. (2023). Traditional Media at the Beginning of the Unknown. Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies, 5(1), 57-77.


The purpose of this research is to find how TV news programs, as part of traditional media source, supply the needs of public within the uncertainty management theory and information-seeking scope during the initial phase of COVID-19 pandemic. A thematic analysis of first four streaming of each TV news programs with the first four highest ratings between March 18th and May 1th 2020 in Turkey was chosen for this study. This period was chosen because it was the first peak of the pandemic in Turkey when people felt uncertain and needed more information about their health. The results have shown that the uncertainty and information gaps have also been reflected in TV programs including the information provided by the experts. This study also reveals that in cases which concern public health, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the traditional media continues to play a significant role in meeting the information needs of the society, and that the traditional media also uses social media’s speed in conveying information. We suggest that future studies may focus on the interaction of traditional media and social media in meeting information-seeking behaviours and managing uncertainty to acquire more data.


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