The results the Google Forms survey conducted among young people living the Caspian bordering countries (Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan) revealed the main problems in the development of creative spaces for the youth self-fulfillment: lack of such places or their inaccessibility, lack of variety of the services provided, low level of their digitalization. At the same time, according to the respondents, digital spaces, which are developing especially rapidly during the pandemic, are disparate and sometimes dangerous (because of manipulations and fraud). The need of young people for systematizing and structuring creative spaces both in real and virtual environment is evident. The digital platform Discover Your Mission Through Nine Sources of Giving was developed and successfully implemented within the framework of this study. Thanks to this platform, the students of Astrakhan State University were consciously choosing and building creative spaces (in the roles of followers, creators, mentors). Creative spaces make it possible to find a useful activity according to one’s mission and connect it with the future profession or with volunteer, business, blogging activities and research work (graduation thesis or dissertation). Immersion of young people into creative spaces and the process of its digitalization (in three areas: instant messaging, using social media for professional needs, professional software) resulted in the increase of responsibility for their lives and for the development of the Caspian region in comparison with the control study group.
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