A Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis of French and Turkish Dubbings of “Mona Lisa Smile” Movie


Audiovisual Translation Hollywood Mona Lisa Smile Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis Dubbing

How to Cite

Taşdan Doğan, T., & Ergüney, M. (2024). A Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis of French and Turkish Dubbings of “Mona Lisa Smile” Movie. Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies, 6(4), 265-285. https://doi.org/10.46539/gmd.v6i4.480


This study analyzes the original version, Turkish and French dubbings of the movie Mona Lisa Smile, through the Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis (FCDA) method. The study aims to reveal the potential of the Turkish and French dubs of the movie to reproduce gender stereotypes towards women. The movie was chosen through purposive sampling, one of the non-random sampling methods. The observation-notetaking technique was used as the data collection method.10 examples were determined. These discourses were analysed through the FCDA method by comparing the original version with its French and Turkish dubs on the Netflix platform. Gender-based discourses were seen to be preserved in all examples in the French language. In Turkish dubbing, serious losses occurred in all examples from the perspective of gender roles. This study is the first research evaluating the French and Turkish dubbings of an audiovisual product through FCDA; therefore, it presents authentic data for future studies.



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