In a democracy like India media has established many epitomes with its working style. These epitomes are helping media in becoming the fourth pillar. It has been seen that the journalists working in media had to face many problems during the establishment of these epitomes. These problems were related to their internal development, social problems and their understanding of the same. This research paper has been written keeping these problems in mind. Journalists working in Jaipur were interviewed for knowing their problems. This research paper has tried to investigate how a journalist works during making of content and its analysis, how well he/she understands the social problems and kind of understanding he/she has to calculate and evaluate the risk.
It was found that media literacy among journalists was left unattended to. Author states that journalists of Jaipur are not yet familiar with media related understanding, media analysis and modern media and about 78% of them adopt information furnished by unreliable and uncertified sources while using social media.
The researcher has tried to underline the importance of media literacy for journalists through this research paper. This research paper recommends taking media literacy to Journalists.
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