Cultural Indicators of New Generation Journalism Practices Implemented by Transnational News Agencies in Turkey in the Context of Earthquake Reporting


New Generation Media Transnational News Agencies Turkish Media Earthquake Reporting Alternative Media Earthquake Journalism Media Literacy Turkish Digital Media New Media Tools

How to Cite

Yetimova, S. (2023). Cultural Indicators of New Generation Journalism Practices Implemented by Transnational News Agencies in Turkey in the Context of Earthquake Reporting. Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies, 5(4), 181-224.


This study investigates how the transnational news agencies BBC, The Voice of America, Sputnik, Euronews and Al Jazeera Turk, which broadcast in Turkish that use new generation media tools by focusing on the news they developed about earthquakes in Turkey. Using the thematic content analysis method, the article compares new generation media theory and disaster journalism with practical applications and reaches conclusions involving a number of cultural differences. The main problem of the research is that earthquake reporting in Turkey is not effective enough in the national press. The aim of the study is to determine which applications are used by the news agencies that make effective earthquake reporting by using new generation media tools in the earthquake processes. The transnational news media active in Turkey produced news about the earthquake in a wide variety of contexts. When I consider the thematic contexts it is seen that city culture, preventive policies, building technology, education, psychological and sociological causes and effects often coexist. It is also seen that transnational news agencies play an important role in raising the phenomenon of journalism with a high level of political engagement in Turkey to a level of professionalism that takes care of the public interest.


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