The past century has shown the conversion of a so-called anthropological turn which began with works of Franz Brentano, into a linguistic turn (Richard Rorty’s term). The philosophy of language took the place of what once had been classical theory of cognition. It has become either a kind of epistemology, or analytical philosophy, or even a general theory of knowledge called in Greece, Germany and Russia gnoseology (from Greek: gnosis - knowledge).
It is necessary to make some clarifications in understanding the current intellectual situation in the field of communication theory.
Communication is a term containing a root morpheme ‘uni’ with the meaning of “one”, “unity”. For our purposes, the English word “conversation” is more suitable because, denoting a talk, it actually has the primary existential meaning of “living together”. Developing this topic, we can rely on the classic research in the field of theory and practice of communication conducted over several decades by the American specialist in the field of social psychology Deborah Tannen.
Jackson, F., & Smith, M. (Eds.). (2013). The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy. Part IV. Philosophy of Language. Oxford University Press.
Tannen, D. (1987). That’s Not What I Meant! How conversational style makes or breaks relationships. New York: Ballantine Books Edition.
Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary. (1963). Springfield, Mass.

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