The article presents the problem of the existential feasible in the digital. The relevance of the problem is gaining weight in the so-called digital age, when the objectives in the human world are represented by technology and the technological. The following questions from the 20th century are becoming relevant again: the relationship between a person and technology; the future of a person and technology; the human / existential in the context of multiplying technology. In the 21st century, the digital can be seen as a cluster of external objectivity in the everyday life. The article raises questions about how the talk about the existential dimension in the digital age is possible; whether there are grounds of speaking about the dynamics of human existential conditions in the process of intensification of everything that is called digital today; and if yes, then in what format and with what language. Given these questions, we understand the digital as a special topos of human existence, a space of manifestation, “highlighting” the existential, which can be comprehended and conceptualized. In the digital age the human being remains, same as his/her existentials. In the markup of the digital, both the individual and the existentials are subject to serious transformation. This is illustrated by digital subjects, digital twins, digital traces/prints, which have an effect on the individual and his/her existential filling. From this we deduce the idea of digital anthropology as a new research field.
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