Eschatology of the Singularity: “Deus ex machina” in the Construction of Film Images of the Future
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Cinema TV Serials Science Fiction Deus ex machina Film Narrative Machinery Technological Singularity Science Religion Eschatology

How to Cite

Bakumenko, G., Luginina, A., & Baklanova, O. (2024). Eschatology of the Singularity: “Deus ex machina” in the Construction of Film Images of the Future. Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies, 6(3), 119-167.


The mixed assessment by critics and theorists of the deus ex machina artistic device common in popular cinema requires a more thorough study of its dramatic and narrative functions in science fiction films. It is in the construction of film images of the future that this technique is combined with a fantastic assumption, expressing the narrator’s attitude towards artistic narration and becoming an argument in dialogue with the viewer.

The study reveals, based on the analysis of empirical material, the multifunctionality of deus ex machina using the example of the development of the theme of technological singularity in cinema. The analysis of films significant for the development of the science fiction (Sci-Fi) genre and the most popular television series among science fiction fans today demonstrates the evolution of the deus ex machina technique. In addition to the trivial function of arbitrary resolution of peripeteia, it acquires various dramatic functions (accelerating or slowing down the rhythm of action, connecting parts of the plot in a large form), obtains the properties of scaling and fragmentation, synchrony and asynchrony with a fantastic assumption, adding complex narrative functions to the toolkit of expressive means, through which the narrator reveals or, on the contrary, conceals his attitude to artistic reality, involving the viewer into the game of probable meanings.

The authors of the article come to the conclusion that the theme of technological singularity has been penetrating cinema since its appearance in the work of L. Lumiere and determines, depending on the narrator’s attitude to the topic, the vector of techno-skepticism or techno-optimism in the eschatological dilemma that characterizes the cosmogony of traditional religions.

The article is of interest to researchers and film lovers and contributes to the study of artistic and scientific communication.
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