The study examined online advertising in Nigeria; it also sought to ascertain an examination of approaches in Facebook and Instagram. The aim of the research is to analyse the extent Nigerian businesses are utilizing social media to advertise their products. The theory adopted to anchor the study is Diffusion of Innovation Theory. Mixed methodology was employed to generate data for the study. Survey designed was used for the quantitative method while semi-structured interviews were conducted for the qualitative method. Online questionnaires were employed to get data from 375 Internet-users; representing consumers of these online advertisements, while 6 business owners making use of online advertising through social media, were interviewed under the qualitative method. The results of the study show that Nigerians make use of social media sites like Facebook and Instagram as advertising platforms to a little extent despite the huge number of consumers using these networks in the country. The research recommends that business owners should change their perception about social media as just a platform for fun or social activities, but to start considering it as an avenue to marketing and profit making. Also, the work recommends Nigerian businesses to engage the media professionals to handle their online activities; taking into the account that social media is so powerful it can build or destroy any business or brand. The work further recommends more effort put into the Consumer Protection Council with regards to online advertising activities. This will aid to online consumers protection and also to a large extent curb the cyber fraud.
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