In this article, based on the analysis of data from a comprehensive sociological study, the features of the memory policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan were identified in comparison with similar ones in other “post-Soviet” Caspian republics in the context of constructing new national identities. It was concluded that the memory policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the “core” of which is the concept of “trauma”, plays an important role in constructing the country’s new national identity. In this case, trauma is represented by a whole complex of memory markers combined with ideas about the genesis of Azerbaijanis’ own national identity in the confrontation with the Armenian people (deportation, wars). These events left a deep mark on the collective memory of the Azerbaijani people, especially due to mass losses, forced displacement, and destruction. The state actively uses the memory of traumatic events to strengthen national identity, to unite the society and to mobilize the nation around the idea of restoring territorial integrity.
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